
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Born friend of Jinnat’ Allama Lahuti Pur Asarari

Ubqari Magazine - February 2017

What am I doing?

All of them had distributed everyone’s share, in all, they were five dacoits, one of them said: I am realizing that we forcefully take people’s lives and wealth, cause loss, ridicule and insult people, we are all Muslims as they are, I am not a literate but I have heard from elders that a Muslim is the one who does not insult the other Muslim, nor takes away his wealth, I have a feeling of what am I doing? All my life has passed by and I did not even realize it, I am leading an insensitive life, all my life has passed by and I have never felt sorrow or worry, what have I done with myself?

The rust upon the heart went away and a coat of Noor (light) replaced it: While saying this, he started crying and instantly we became happy that Noor of this spiritual and enlightened atmosphere and light of pious acts have hit his heart and the layer of rust upon his heart is washed away and is replaced with Noor and this coat of Noor has led to realization in his innerself and this realization has given him tears of embarrassment and acknowledgment of the fact.

I am very cruel: The second one said: Oh! What have you said? Actually, you are right, I am very cruel, I have never thought of a person as a human being, I torn apart many ears of ladies while snatching their jewelry, have raped so many, have ridiculed many people, have killed so many people for money, he was saying all this and along with his conversation, he was snatching away his face and was beating his face, was crying loudly and was shedding tears. This condition of his was continuing that the third one made the first one attentive and said, may you stay well that you have made us realize today, the thought occurred many times but the realization has occurred for this first time and my heart is crying that what have you done till today? So much loss, so merciless was I. My mother stopped me many times and not only once and now the poor thing has died, crying always, I did not even respected my mother, my sister stopped me many times and I slapped her.

Why did I not die the first day? I have insulted my mother and my sister by looting and ridiculing people, I wish! I would have realized earlier, why did I not realize earlier, why did this realization not become deep in my heart before, I wish! I would have died the first day when my mother gave me birth, how will I face people on the Day of Judgment, people whom I ridiculed, insulted, dishonoured. Readers! Both of those pious Jinnat were telling me and I was looking that they had tears in their eyes and were saying that Allah جل جلالہ gave these dacoits embarrassment, repentance and their tears were looking so good to us and we were thinking that we wish that all the world somehow comes into this cave, as whoever will come, Insha’Allah (Allah’s willing) will get the spiritualism and Noor (light) of the heart because of the pious acts and its light. A pious Jin said: Fourth one said, rather he was so sorrowful, that he could hardly speak and was continuously abusing himself. Abuses were unpleasant for us that he should not do so, but, then we thought that this is the only way he knew about, he did not have knowledge or words of repentance or its way. What is the way to please Allah? He had only learned viciousness, animal instincts and cruelty. He only learned about human behavior after entering into this cave and the good thing which happened to them was. That they went to sleep immediately upon coming into the cave. This fourth person was continuously abusing himself and was remembering every bad instant and was openly ridiculing himself and was saying that once I got a dagger, why did I not die? Why was I saved? What a cruel animal you are that because of this knife, you shed blood of so many and cut their bodies into pieces. The fifth one wanted to talk but could not, and he fainted, effervescence was coming out of his mouth and he was lying helplessly and there was nobody to give him a hand as every person was drowned in his own embarrassment while shouting and crying and nobody cared about the other.

Even if they kill us, it is acceptable. There was dust on his face, they had put dust on their head even though all the precious goods of loot were lying before them but they were kicking these goods with their feet, for quite some time, they were in this semi conscious state and then one of them who was the third one, gained consciousness and said that friends! There is no use of all this, come let us find the owners of these goods, and let us do repentance before them and in exchange even if they kill us, it will be acceptable. Let us return their goods back to them, everyone happily agreed and lifted their loot and walked away.

We were following them: Their speed was electrifying, before, their emotions were of viciousness, cruelty and loot and now their emotions were of spirituality, repentance and enlightenment and it was a return journey. I was looking at their emotions and was surprised that every step and to my more astonishment, the direction in which they were going, was actually of the people from whom they had looted these goods, we were seeing and telling each other that the moment there was a condition of repentance in them, the same moment a spirituality and light over took them and it is this spirituality and enlightenment which has directed their steps towards the direction of the owners of the goods. We were following them, finally they reached the owners who got worried by looking at them that why have these dacoits come back? But when they put their goods into their feet and fell upon their feet and started crying and shouting and appealing that we are those notorious dacoits, whom the law could not touch till today, no king was able to catch us, many powerful tried to trap us but in vain, but, we don’t know what happened today? We do not know ourselves but perhaps today the door of repentance was to open for us, please check your things if we have even touched any of your things, you punish us and whatever punishment you will suggest, it will be the punishment for us and we will ourselves choose this punishment.

Pleasure for spirit, food for spirit and medicine for spirit: They were crying, shouting, pleading and were begging for forgiveness and the prays which were coming from our hearts for them were telling us that the place where pious acts are done, recitations are done, holy words are recited and practice is done to please Allah جل جلالہ, such place is where there is pleasure, food and medicine for spirit. Oh I wish! That the way these dacoits got repentance for rest of their lives and the way they not only found every person by roaming in every street and found everyone with effort, the people whom they took money from or were of some loss to their life, respect and honour.

A person killed one dacoit: During all this, one person killed one of the dacoits for murdering his father. The other dacoits who had repented buried their friend but did not do anything, did not complain, rather kept on saying that we wish! The way our friend got the punishment for his murder, same we would get too, we cannot tolerate the torture of the other life. It is our desire that the way there is spirituality and Noor (light) in atmosphere of the pious deeds in the cave of Baluchistan that if anybody comes here, his heart changes in a moment, the rust is washed away from his heart and a new paint replaces it and one comes to know about the way to live. These pious Jinnat narrated some other instances which I will definitely narrate for the readers.

I myself was amazed: The Jinnat of the cave narrated some more circumstances which were so strange and amazing that I was amazed myself, actually this universe is filled with mysterious things and it is not necessary that something comes within our comprehension and wisdom, our intelligence is limited and so is our comprehension, if we try to test everything with our intelligence and comprehension and feeling, then at times we will be disappointed and perhaps will say that it is a lie, even though, the fact will be different. The world of Jinnat is such, which has forced science and scientists to think, the same science and scientists which still today would claim it to be psychological problems, stories, human behavior and misleading, the same people, today are forced to say that Jinnat are a fact and Jinnat are the part of our society and life. Readers! The cave Jinnat told me about such facts which are true and have a being also.

The ceremonies of the weddings of Jinnat: Narrated an instance for example, and said: whether we are Muslims or infidels, we are present in the wedding of every person, Jinnat really like the wedding ceremonies, if they are nice and pious Jinnat, they participate in these ceremonies keeping a distance whereas, if they are bad Jinnat then from nearby, yes, pious Jinnat take this precaution that they do not watch anybody’s secrecy and privacy. However, in wedding ceremonies they take care of their piousness in some way but participate definitely, whereas bad Jinnat include themselves in every ceremony, way and system, in one way or another. The cave Jinnat said that once it so happened, that we Jinnat were going on a long journey, we saw at one place that there was wedding ceremony of the daughter of the chieftain of some locality, aroma of various foods was coming at the top, we thought that we should also participate even though we were not hungry at that time, but the smell of the various foods was such that it affected us.

Bad, foodie and cunning Jinnat: When we reached there, we saw that it is a big ceremony, there was a separate arrangement for ladies and gents, we participated in the ceremony and to our extreme astonishment, we saw that before we came, Jinnat were already there but, they were sitting in a corner, they could not participate in eating or drinking and in ceremony, the Jinnat who were with me, they were all Allah جل جلالہ fearing, whereas, the Jinnat sitting in front of us, were all bad and foodie and cunning Jinnat, they were all bad and cunning ones, these Jinnat saw us that we have seen them and after we saw them I went close to them and said: It seems that you specially got ready to participate in this ceremony and they nodded in yes, then I said why are you guys unable to participate in this ceremony? They kept quiet, did not give any reply to me and I was impressed by their silence and worried too, that after all why are they quiet? I left them and took a round of the ceremony.

Appointed angels for safety: I saw that in the adjacent room, there was a pious person whom they were calling “Peer Sahib” and he was reciting some Tasbihat, wazaif and acts. I left him and observed all the people present and looked closely and inspected them. I felt that around the gathering of the wedding, there was a circle of Noor (light) and a strong wall which was erected and angels had been appointed at all the corners for protection and they were attentive upon their duty.

I have faith on this pious personality: I have seen this many times before also and I know that angels are appointed for protection and the wall of Noor (light) is erected at the time when some spiritual wazaif and spiritual acts are done and in spiritual ceremonies or other ceremonies where some spiritual personality is such who has a strong and deep relationship with Allah جل جلالہ and due to this, the system of protection of angels gets very strong. I saw all the people again and again but could not see any such person whose faith was very strong or who had such powerful acts due to which this protection and such big wall of protection was present, I only had faith on this pious personality due to whom and his blessed and holy acts, all this was happening, quietly I went and sat with this personality, I could feel each and everything of his, the moment I sat, this pious personality immediately sensed my presence and immediately he asked, where have you come from and why? I introduced myself and he was pleased with my introduction and started praying for me, I asked, since when you are over here? He said: Today is my 5th day (Continued)

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